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Ciliacell nasal spray 15 ml (Sinuclean)

Original price was: €20,13.Current price is: €19,10.

CiliaCell Nasal Spray is a unique and patented medical device based on Cucurbitacins B-D-I-E, tested to specifically treat Sinusitis and Rhinosinusitis, both in pediatric (Age 10+) and adult.

CiliaCell is indicated for the treatment of Sinusitis, Rhinosinusitis and Effusive Otitis Media (OME), characterized by the most severe clinical conditions such as:
1) Edema of the naso-sinus mucosa.
2) Reduction or loss of ciliary mobility and motility
3) Accumulation of muco-purulent secretions in the naso-sinusal district and auditory tubes.

CiliaCell, acting specifically on the 3 clinical conditions of Sinusitis and Middle Effusive Otitis, exerts the following actions on symptoms:
➜ Dramatically reduces facial pain at the sinuses (Craniofacial Algias)
➜ Promotes the total expulsion of Mucus-pus that stagnates throughout the nasal-sinus district and auditory tubes (Nasal fossae, sinus ostia, paranasal sinuses, and auditory tubes)
➜ Restores normal breathing and ventilation of the sinuses
➜ Induces the regression of general malaise (if present) and all symptoms related to the 3 clinical conditions of Sinusitis and Otitis Media Effusive above.

See the effectiveness of CiliaCell treatment

Scroll left or right and see for yourself the effectiveness of CiliaCell treatment.
Before treatment, Muco-Pus is visibly present.
while once the treatment is carried out, the CT scan shows a complete cleaning of the area.

Before treatment with CiliaCell
After treatment with CiliaCell

See the effectiveness of CiliaCell treatment

Scroll left or right and see for yourself the effectiveness of CiliaCell treatment.
Before treatment, Muco-Pus is visibly present.
while once the treatment is carried out, the CT scan shows a complete cleaning of the area.

Before treatment with CiliaCell
After treatment with CiliaCell

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the respiratory mucosa that affects not only the nose but also the sinus ostia and the sinuses themselves, whether or not accompanied by an infectious process.

The most important clinical characterizations and related symptoms of sinusitis are:

Edema of the rhino-sinus mucosa ➜ Symptoms:

– Craniofacial Algias (pain at the cheeks, around the eyes on the side of the nose, above the eyebrow arches, at the forehead or the back of the head)
– Difficulty breathing through one or both nostrils
– Difficulty concentrating and general malaise

Reduced or blocked ciliary mobility and motility ➜

– Difficulty evacuating stagnant mucus-pus in the nasal passages, ostia, and sinuses
– Severe congestion and nasal oppression

Accumulation of muco-purulent secretions in the rhino-sinus district and auditory tubes ➜

– Purulent yellow or greenish mucus discharge from the nose or into the throat (very viscous, sticky, foul-smelling)
– Anosmia (loss of the ability to smell)
– Fever

Ciliacell is the only product specifically designed to effectively treat Sinusitis, because unlike all other products it
it exerts its action in all districts of the upper respiratory tract
(nose, sinus ostium and paranasal sinuses).

The therapeutic action of CiliaCell
explicating itself in all districts of the upper respiratory tract,
acts effectively
On the above clinical manifestations, namely:

  1. Reduces Edema of the naso-sinus mucosa (Decongests nasal pits, sinus ostia, and especially sinuses) ➜ Dramatically reduces facial pain
  2. Restores normal ciliary mobility and motility ➜ Restores the mucus-pus evacuation system
  3. Eliminates the accumulation of muco-purulent secretions in the naso-sinus region and auditory tubes ➜ Removal of pathogenic bacteria and viruses responsible for infections

Thedemonstrated clinical healing efficacy is more than 90%.

Ciliacell nasal spray 15 ml

Intended Use: Nonsterile solution indicated in naso-sinus disorders and their complications (acute rhino-sinusitis, chronic purulent rhino-sinusitis, naso-sinus polyposis, allergic rhinopathies, fungal rhinusitis, secretory otitis media) characterized by: edema of the naso-sinus mucosa, altered pneumatization of the sinuses, reduction or loss of ciliary mobility and motility, accumulation of muco-purulent secretions in the naso-sinus region and auditory tubes.


Ciliacell Nasal Spray contains:

  • Functional substances: Cucurbitacins B-D-I-E 50μg/ml extracted from Ecballium Elaterium
  • Excipients: Purified Water, Mint Flavor, Methyl Paraoxybenzoate, Propyl Paraoxybenzoate, Phosphate Buffer, Polysorbate 80

Mechanism of action:

The solution containing Cucurbitacin B-D-I-E, administered in micro-drops into the nostrils by nasal spray, produces an action at the surface of the mucosal epithelium that causes an electrolytic and osmotic alteration, which is followed by a physiological process of expulsion of muco-purulent secretions present in the nasosinusal district and auditory tubes, restoration of ciliary mobility and motility, reduction of edema of the naso-sinus mucosa, restoration of pneumatization of the paranasal sinuses, and reduction of the size of naso-sinus polyps.

Dose, mode and frequency of administration:

Children and adults (age > 10 years)

Make 2 spray disbursements per nostril 2 times a day (morning and evening), for 7 consecutive days. Treatment can be prolonged up to 14 days or repeated 6-7 days after the first (depending on the symptomatology and mucopurulent discharge present).
For use of the product in chronic naso-sinus conditions or post-surgery, it is recommended that treatment be repeated for at least 2 cycles, interspersed with 6-7 days of no treatment.

Drug interactions:

CiliaCell nasal spray, being limited to a mechanical and non-systemic action, does not interfere with the drugs proper to the treatment of rhinological disorders.
CiliaCell nasal spray can be combined with inhaled and systemic antibiotics and corticosteroids.


All operations described should be done gently, avoiding introducing the spray nozzle too deeply into the nostrils and maintaining an upright position during administration. Close the bottle after each application. Avoid exposing the product to light and store away from direct heat sources.


The product should not be given to children under 10 years of age and pregnant women.
The use of CiliaCell nasal spray in combination with sympathomimetic drugs is not recommended, as it may cause a decrease in the efficacy of the product.
It is recommended to dispose of the product bottle after the last administration of the treatment cycle and not to use the remaining product more than two months after its opening.


Hypersensitivity to any of the components of CiliaCell nasal spray.

Side effects:

Tests performed showed no particular undesirable effects; mild signs of irritation and congestion of the nasal mucosa, with temporary stuffy nose sensation, may occur rarely.
Other rare side effects may include rhinorrhea and mild irritation of the jaws.
Frequent and continued overdose of the product under no circumstances puts the user’s health at risk, although it does increase the likelihood of the undesirable effects already described.
Rarely, overdose may result in the onset of fever (only for 3-4 hours).
However, it is advisable to report any occurrence of side effects to your doctor or pharmacist.


NEVIA Biotech s.r.l. via Piedipastini 14, 83048 Montella (AV) ltaly

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions CiliaCell


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